Fresh Hatch Green Chile

How to Take Care of Your Fresh Chile

Hey, Chile Fanatics!

Hatch Green Chile Season 2024 is here! We know you are excited to see that box of Fresh Hatch Chile on your doorstep.

Check out this information to help you have the best experience with your Fresh Hatch Chile.

Remember that Fresh Chile is just like any other fresh produce and takes a little bit of care to make sure it is the best it can be. 

We do our best to ensure that your chile arrives as fresh as possible. When your chile arrives, it may have spent several hours in a hot delivery truck. You'll want to take care of it as quickly as possible.

1. Open the box and check the chile immediately.

2. If there are any issues with your chile, please take photos and send them to us as quickly as possible.

3. Unbox your chile and rinse to cool it down.

4. Be sure and remove any pods with soft spots. These can still be roasted, but you'll want to separate them from the others.

5. After rinsing, please refrigerate. For large quantities, try to keep as cool as possible! Rinsing and sorting out problem pods will help them last longer if you are a couple of days from roasting. 

Please do not leave your chile in the box without at least rinsing and sorting the chile! Chile will spoil after a day or two if not cared for as described above.