See What We See in our Beloved Hatch Valley!

Gilbert K. Chesterton said, "One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak." One of the greatest things you see in our Valley is our beloved Hatch Green Chile! Maybe you've never been to New Mexico or the Hatch Valley! Maybe you don't know much about the history of the Hatch Green Chile. We wanted to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about it, and let you see some of the greatness we see here in the valley!

The Hatch Valley stretches from Caballo Dam in the north to Tonuco Mountain in the south. It includes the Las Uvas growing areas just west of Hatch.

It is a peaceful valley in which we grow corn, cotton, alfalfa, onions, wheat, pecans, and yes, of course, Hatch Green Chile. In this photo, you can see a beautiful pecan orchard to the right.

If you’ve never seen chile fields before, this is what you’ve been missing – row after row after row of short bushy little plants covered in dozens of the most beautiful peppers you’ve ever seen!

Cradled by mountains, tended with love, and nourished with water from the beautiful Rio Grande, there’s a reason the Hatch Valley really is the Chile Capital of the World.

The Hatch Chile Store, has a tradition of excellence. Our extended family farms over 1000 acres of prime farmland in the Hatch Valley and has been in the produce business for more than 100 years. Our history here in Hatch Valley dates back over five generations to Joseph Franzoy, the first farmer to grow chile here. Headquartered in Hatch, New Mexico, our history and heritage ensure that when you buy our Hatch Green Chile, you're getting the very best you can find straight from a family farm.
Ready to try all of the Hatch Chile we've been talking about? Order now for Hatch Green Chile shipped straight to your door!